Delfield has used many profiles. We recommend always verifying your gasket profile when ordering.
The same Delfield model number can use different profiles depending on when the unit was manufactured.
Delfield Reach-Ins and Drawers could use any of 3 profiles. Older units might use the G516G or the G436G dart style gaskets.
Later Reach-ins and Drawers use Push-In style gaskets like D357G with the wide groove in the door. There are a few variations on this style, but if it has a wide groove, the D357G will work. If you feel you need a stronger magnet to keep the door closed, try the D892G. Just be sure to measure Dart-to-Dart and use the custom order area.
Delfield Uprights could use any of 3 profiles. Older units might use the G516G or the G436G dart style gaskets. Later Uprights use Push-In style gaskets like D542G with the wide groove in the door.
Delfield Glass Doors most often use G086G.